Investments of over US$ 35-40 million have been made in AJML towards the setting up of a state-of-the-art fine yarn export-oriented unit (EOU) has had a direct impact in terms of the company’s top line, operating costs, production and more importantly productivity.
Contribution to the
Jute Industries
The Mill has a most experienced Statistical Quality Control Department that helps in maintaining its repute in the world market by meeting the needs of the customers.
History claims that in fiber tradition jute is not second to any other fibers. Jute has always been an area of immense thrust and endless opportunities for the group with the present management having an experience of over 8-10 years in managing the jute mills sector.
Investments of over US 1-2$ million have been made in AJML towards the setting up of a state-of-the-art fine yarn export-oriented unit (EOU) has had a direct impact in terms of the company’s top line, operating costs, production and more importantly productivity. Today, the company boasts itself at being one of the lowest cost processors of the jute yarn mills in the country.
The Company sets for itself very high standards of quality and has successfully implemented stringent quality at all levels of production. In this way it has been able to successfully meet the challenges of a severely competitive market in the recent past.
The Mill is presently fully modernized and now possess the state-of-the-art equipment’s and technology.
It has a total of 75 frames in unit one and 30 frames in unit two. With production capacity of 150-160M Tons per day and 10-12 Thousand piece of JUTE BAG in 24 hours. The Mill employs about 3000-4000workmen and 350 official staff.
The Mill was set up to accommodate to basically foreign markets based. Its Resource & Development department is dedicated to design, develop, manufacture and marketing of Geo-textiles and bio-degradable & eco-friendly natural fibers to suit to the Bangladeshi weather and soil conditions. The Mill has a most experienced Statistical Quality Control Department that helps in maintaining its repute in the world market by meeting the needs of the customers. AJML produce high quality jute yarn e.g. CRP, CRX, CRT, CRM, CB, HESSIAN, SACKING with variable counts for world market.